11 september, 2012

Min näsoperation (engelska)

My Rhinoplasty

It took me many years to decide undergoing rhinoplasty. But it was one of the best decisions I have made in my life, considering how happy I am with the results.
Before my operation, I had always felt quite “uncomfortable” with my nose, and I would avoid showing my side profile when I had photographs taken.  This did not affect my confidence though, since I have always been a very happy and social person and have many friends.
I had noticed during the past years that my nose had become more prominent, partly since my face had lost volume, but also because my nose had started to turn a bit droopy. It was then I decided to undergo rhinoplasty.

Choosing surgeon

When I started to research which were the best rhinoplasty clinics and surgeons, the name of Charles Randquist was one of the most popular names in internet blogs.  

Läs resten av Ana's berättelse HÄR!

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